New Year Tips to Strengthen Your Teeth

Imagine for a second you have no teeth, or if you have, they are decaying (it’s not that bad though). Would you let that happen? If you’re young and full of dreams, you wouldn’t consider becoming toothless, of course. Not in your wildest dreams. As a human being who is wired to be social, your pearly whites play a huge role every time you meet new people, besides the fact that it’s hard to eat without them.


Since it is New Year, why not consider “strengthening teeth” your resolution? Here’s an infographic about tips to keep the teeth strong, presented by Felt Family Dentistry.


  1. Don’t over-brush.
  2. Eat more calcium.
  3. If you have heartburn issues, see a doctor immediately.
  4. Avoid dry mouth.
  5. See your dentist every six months.
  6. Stop grinding your teeth.
  7. Don’t eat too much sugar.


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