Know Your Personality Type To Make Better Career Decisions

What is MBTI?


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment is a self-report questionnaire. It is designed to determine an individual’s personality type. It enhances the understanding of an individual’s motivations, natural strengths and potential areas of growth, providing an excellent foundation for an individual to achieve their career goals.



Some Facts About MBTI


> MBTI® assessment is the most widely used to understand different personality types.

> It is used by 1.5 million people each year and has been translated into more than 30 languages.

> 89 of Fortune top 100 companies have used MBTI

> Top educational institutions worldwide rely on MBTI® as a fundamental tool for career development



How Can MBTI Help You


Provides guidance on career choice and development

Improves communication skills, decision-making power, and managerial skills

Enhances the work-life balance